Topical CBD Cream: 8 Reasons Fringe CBD Lotion is the solution

Topical CBD Cream will help with many skin conditions including inflammation, acne, eczema, scarring, bug bites, and sunburn. Reduce muscular pain including menstrual cramps and sore muscles from working out. Eliviate nerve and joint pain from arthritis and restless leg syndrome.
PTSD Natural Plant Herbs

PTSD affects around 3.6% of adults in the United States and is seen more often in females than males. To help alleviate stress and anxiety that are associated with PTSD Natural Plant Herbs can be used. The Endocannabinoid System is a key regulator when addressing PTSD and CBD regulates the ECS.
CBD Pain—Water-Soluble CBD for Pain

CBD Pain—Water Soluble CBD for Pain While many may still be skeptical about how cannabis can be used to treat pain, there is plenty of research to show how beneficial CBD products for pain can be. Cannabis has been used as a remedy for pain dating all the way back to 2900 BC. Could CBD […]
What does CBD Stand for?

What does CBD Stand for? Cannabidiol. What does CBD stand for? CBD stands for Cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is one of the many compounds found within the hemp plant. CBD or Cannabidiol has been reported to help with a vast array of health concerns. CBD works on the body’s endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short. Just like […]
The Endocannabinoid System and CBD

The Endocannabinoid System and CBD Having spent the better part of the last two years immersed in learning about the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and CBD, I’ve gotten used to the quizzical looks I get from people when it comes up in conversation. Friends, many of whom work in medicine and science, often report that they […]